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photo challenge ~ mess

March 9, 2011

Today I offer one photo for this week’s photo challenge.
It was taken after a spur of the moment meeting with my dad for lunch. A rare opportunity to get together for a bite with just enough time to enjoy our meal, tell a story or two and laugh.
photo challenge ~ mess

I had a few different ideas up in the air for this week’s photo challenge. I thought of a messy bed, a mess of tangled hair, messy kitchen, a mess of laundry… But this morning while going through images I returned to this and decided that I’m picking it for sentimental reasons. It will always remind me of sitting, talking, and laughing over lunch with my dad on a Friday afternoon despite a “mess” of a day with appointments, tight schedules, traffic and all the other weight of the world around us.
Thanks for hangin’ out with me dad. And thanks to Red Wells for the fabulous grub!

Now it is time for you to head over to the Flickr group to see all of the other “mess” captures. I’m heading there myself and soon after I will be starting a bathroom remodel that will more than likely bring all sorts of mess to my world. A glutton for punishment I am.

Until next time,

photo challenge ~ large

March 2, 2011

With week’s theme being “large” I carried my trusty camera with me as Mr. Riddle and I visited the large city of Chicago. This trip was planned to visit a Vivian Maier exhibit on display at the Chicago Cultural Center. It was a great trip and the CCC was so much more than we had expected. I highly recommended a stop there if you ever get a chance to visit the windy city.

Everywhere I looked there was “large”. From sculptures to skyscrapers, it was quite easy to find this week’s theme.



Upon coming home and uploading all of my shots I knew right away which one I wanted to submit. Surprisingly it wasn’t one of the world’s largest skyscrapers or the largest “bean shaped” sculpture. I’m gonna break my own rule here and tell you now which one I’m adding to the group. It was this one of my husband…

Yes, he was so happy to be holding the world’s largest Hershey bar. How could I not choose it? A close friend who knows Mr. Riddle’s obsession with chocolate asked me, “Did you find the world’s largest jar of peanut butter to go with it?” As matter of fact we did. Costco’s sells it in a two pack.

Now, it is your turn to visit the Flickr pool to see the other “large” captures. Even though you know which one I picked, you should still visit and check out the wonderfulness over there.

Until next time,

photo challenge ~ white

February 24, 2011

This week’s photo challenge theme was “white.”
When it was introduced last Wednesday all the snow that had existed in my part of the world had been melted and washed away by rain and warm weather. The only white stuff left was in small piles here and there that I heard someone refer to as “snirt.” Yes, snow and dirt mixed together. I’m not sure I like that made up word despite the fact that it makes sense.

With the snow gone my thinking was I would have to look elsewhere for white. But, being Ohio, I was not surprised when another round of winter weather came our way. Thank you mother nature…
photo challenge ~white 1

Even though I was happy to have fresh snow outside, it was the shots I took inside I’m happier with.
Yes, “white” is everywhere, but the challenge is picking which “white” to capture.

photo challenge ~white 3

photo challenge ~white 2

photo challenge ~ white 4

Decisions, decisions…
Thankfully I have willing children and pets to pose at my request. Those chocolate chip, oatmeal cookies? Let’s just say I had to eat my “unfair” share to get them to cooperate.

Drumroll, please……. Now, my friends, you know what to do. Take that cursor of yours, click on the following link: and visit the photo challenge group’s Flickr page. While it’s loading take a guess at which one I’ve submitted and enjoy the other wonderful “white” captures.

Unit next time~

photo challenge ~ fear

February 16, 2011

This week’s photo challenge was “fear.”
Oh, the fears I have. Fear of dying, fear of failing, fear of time passing, fear of tragedy….
In the simplest forms, fear of gray hair, a flat tire when you’re in a hurry, a cooking recipe that disappoints, housework… The list can go on and on.
And over the years the things that scare me have changed. Things that I was afraid of once don’t seem so bad now-a-days. Like roller coasters, penguins (don’t ask) and sushi.
Yet, there is one fear that has plagued me since I was a little girl. Except for a few years in my twenties when I used my bed without a frame, I have always been afraid of things under my bed. In fact, my bed side lamp solves this problem every night. No flicking the light switch and running to leap into the bed for me. No, Mr. Riddle wouldn’t appreciate that very much. Instead, I push a button and I’m snug in bed when the room becomes dark and the beings under my box-spring awaken.
photo challenge ~ fear

Now I know if I actually lift the bed-skirt and look under there I will find nothing but dust bunnies and possibly a lost slipper or sock. Also, if woken in the middle of the night, I don’t even bother with the sad routine of making sure the lamp is on. How much sense does that make?
When I wake to let the dog out or check on a crying child with nightmares the act of walking right up to my bed in the dark without worrying about what’s under it is usually not an issue. The way I see it, I’m half awake. If they’re gonna get me, I surrender.

Maybe what’s under my bed is the total collection of all of my fears. All of those listed above and then some. So at night when it’s been a long day and the last thing I do before drifting to sleep is reach over and turn off that light, I’m aware that my fears from the day, the ones I’ve yet to tackle or face, are just waiting for me. To confront them at a time when I’m tired, thin skinned and weary is not an option.
Yup. I’m thinkin’ this is where those monsters live. Under my bed.

Now, you know what to do… Go ahead and visit the group page to see all of the other “fear” submissions. So much good stuff there.
As far as seeing which one I’m submitting, well, it’s a no-brainer this week.

Until next time,

photo challenge ~ repetition

February 10, 2011

This week’s photo challenge should have been a no brainer for me. Especially as I knitted away the day inside as the temps around here have been dropping to single digits and at the end of last week we were the lucky recipients of more snow after the storm on Wednesday.
Knit, purl, knit purl, knit, purl, knit, knit, knit, knit……
Of course I saw repetition everywhere. But nothing made me want to grab my camera and capture it. Before you knew it, Wednesday was here and I had nothing. With a capital -ING.
So, while I sat this morning knitting and thinking I realized that repetition was in my hands, on my needles and in the pattern I was following. Knit, knit, knit, purl, knit, purl, knit…
And though I was unsure of how I wanted to capture this repetition, I knew that it was all I wanted to even attempt.
photo challenge ~ repition 2

I am a knitter. I’ve taught in the past and honestly believe that anyone can learn how to knit. Really, anyone. If you don’t believe me, let’s get together. I promise, in an hour, you’ll be knitting the garter stitch. Disclaimer: You must live within a 50 mile radius of me for this offer. All others, we can talk, I charge for travel time. :)
I knit because it calms me. The repetition does wonders for an unfocused wandering mind like mine. Often, if I’m feeling moody, brooding, or have a problem totally unrelated to the actual skill of knitting, all I need to do is knit for bit, sometimes longer, and stitch by stitch, the repeating motions help me reevaluate, recharge, and reconsider the problem at hand.
photo challenge ~ repition 1

Once again, for this ex-smoker, former nail biter, nervous fidgeter, and scatter brained, amateur photographer, knitting saved the day.
And now without any further ado, it is time to click on this link:shutterboo’s WPC 2011.
Take a peek at all of this week’s submissions and see which one I picked to add to the group.

Until next time,